Claim your dates!
Dates are being added all the time, so save the schedule page in your favorites! Book ASAP to guarantee your special date is a lock. Remember, 8SR is very one of the most versatile country bands in the northwest. We do old country, mid and new country and oldies rock. Even a dab of blues. If you need something special, be sure to let us know. Certain clubs, parties, etc.., require different songs. We play to make sure the event is a success.
8SR's first Sunday date at Auburn Eagles was:
November 16th, 1997
Siri tells me 8 Second Ride had been the Dance Sundays house band for 21 YEARS!
Please know that each of us in 8 SECOND RIDE loves & appreciates every one of you. It is a special gift, that you allow us to be part of your life's and let us do what we do.
8 Second Ride IS:
Kimberly Kaye: Drums & Vocals
Dave Dorning LeadGuitar
rotating Bass players
Glenn McCarty LeadGuit/Vocals
Past Members just for fun..34years of great musicians!..................
Mike Anderson.....Bass Guitar
Kevin Parr.....Lead Guitar
Mark Kissner.....Lead Guitar
Wayne Burgess.....Lead Guitar
Gene Nygaard.....Lead Guitar
Mike Skansie.....Lead Guitar
Greg Frost.......Lead Guitar
John Brown.....Lead Guitar
Gene Hubbard....Keys
Todd Henderson...Lead Guitar
JR Broad ….Bass Guitar
Steve Thorp.....Keys
Scotty MacDonald.....Lead Guitar
Jim Adams.....Lead Guitar
BarryTorrence...Keys *PT
Dan Leal.......Bass Guitar
Billy Shew...Lead Guitar
Gary Ballard Steel/Lead Guitar *PT
Chris Meadors Lead Guitar
Jack Dolan….Bass Guitar
Steve Feary....Bass Guitar
Denotes... *Part Time
Got a special event?
We are filling up the calendar! First come first booked! Happy to say, filling' up fast.
Yes, we do -do private parties. Now booking !!
This week in 8SR land:
NYE was off the hook!!!! Thanks to the Swiss Sportsmans Club of Tacoma and the many dancers from Auburn/Black Diamond days past. Your familiar faces and smooth dance moves entertained the Swiss members and energized the night. Felt like a home dance to me. No better way to come into a hopeful new year than with the dance framily!
So now we begin anew. Full of hope and looking forward to sharing new adventures with each other.
I must appologize for not having the new 2025 schedule up. I evidently did it end of November, but forgot to save and post. What a misstep! It's up now!!!!!
Programming note. Black Diamond Eagles Sunday dance series. Starting in 2025, we will be on the 3rd Sunday of each month(except for Easter in April, stay tuned), This was a request of our dance band buddies SUNDANCE. So we are accommodating them. Thus, they will play the 1st Sundays. Dance time will still be 5-8.
There will be a cover to pay the band and ensure the future of these dances.
Put us in your favorites and pull us right up. We are adding dates all the time and the calendar is constantly evolving. Book a bbq with us! ps. you cook!
8 SECOND ROCKS!!! Also!!!
If you know of a venue that needs country music new or old or even oldies rock, let us know & let them know about us bands. As you may have noticed the club market for live country bands is tight & all the musicians appreciate your support.
And if you want a live band for your birthday party, BBQ, wedding or just for the heck of it, call the bands. Prices vary & live music makes for a great time!
Do remember that EAGLES, ELKS and the other Fraternal lodges need to have you sign in if you are not a member. If you frequent these places please consider membership. They all do great charity work, support scholarships and work closely with local causes. They do have limits on signing folks in (by law) and may have to refuse entry after a number of visits. Membership is not usually expensive and your membership helps support them. Participation in things are by choice and will not be forced upon folks. Support them as they book your live dance music, host karaoke, host DJ nites, shows, bingo and put on dinners. You will meet new friends!!
Do good things --join them!!!